Friday, March 30, 2012

We All Have Those Days

Ever Feel like you just don't want to do anything? OR have those days where you are pumped for the day and excited to get things done and then half way through your excitement and motivation, you Crash?

Don't Lie, you know you do! Everyone has them, some people hide it better than others and some people work right through it and get that excitement and motivation back. And then there are the ones that let it over take them and they just can't find the will to fight back. Well I am gonna tell you a few of my tricks on how to change that. I know that everyone is different. I know that one thing may work for me and not you. But what if I told you that we can find something and get you pumped for life as well.

Here is how we are gonna change that!

Think about what makes you Happy?

For me this is my Fiance! Now if what makes you happy isn't a person that is okay, it can be anything, but it needs to be something that makes you happy everyday. Whether it be your kids, your parents, your friends, even your dog. Whatever it is, focus on what it is about them that makes you happy. Thinking of that one thing should have a smile on your face already as you sit and ponder these words. I know I'm smiling at the mere mention of my Fiance.

What is your favorite song?

What song makes you wanna get up and Go? Makes you wanna dance and Jam?! Play it! On your Ipod, Mp3 player, the stereo, on Youtube! Put it on repeat! Until you are pumped and ready! Same for if you have a lull in your day that you can't quite push yourself through, this will help break that point and get you going again.

Talk to someone!

Still aren't feeling up to par? Not ready to get a move on. Talk to someone who always puts things in perspective for you. OR Someone who is willing to help you. Tell them what is putting you in the funk, if you can't figure it out on your own, maybe this person will ask the right questions to get you to see where the problem lies. Always go to someone that will lift you up and Keep you there. Watch out for the ones you lift you up and then tear you down. Nobody likes a Debbie Downer, We want someone who will give you the lift you need!

Take a reflective look in the mirror.

Tell yourself you are excited about the day! You are the only Person who can keep yourself Positive at all times! If someone brings you down you need to be able to pick yourself up. If you can't do that, then look in the mirror and tell yourself all the Positive things that you need to hear from someone else; because 10 times out of 10 you really need to hear them from yourself. Be accountable for your thinking. (I have written in eyeliner on my Mirror "I am Beautiful" Because there are days when I don't feel that way. I need to be held accountable for my thinking. Seeing it puts me on the right track to believing I am Beautiful) If you are thinking positively then you will be able to pick yourself up, and you will be proud knowing you did it all by yourself. Seek self happiness rather than seeking to make other people happy. Life will be more enjoyable that way. 

Go For a Walk

When I am in a funk, I have found that putting in the head phones and blasting my music and taking a walk really helps clear my head of all the things that could possibly blocking me. Not only are you outside enjoying the fresh air and scenery but it is something you can control. You can go as far as you want. Take that time to see the beauty in life. I guarantee you, that by the time you get home you will be ready to conquer the day.

As I said before these are things that work for some. Take one and see if it works, if doesn't move on to the next on and so on. Modify it until you have found the thing that will take you out of the funk that you are in.


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